


1: Application of Risk Assessment Framework Based on the Data-Driven Population Consequences of (Acoustic) Disturbance (PCAD/PCoD) Model

This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks proposals to further advance the development and application of the Population Consequence of (Acoustic) Disturbance (PCAD/PCoD) framework as a practical risk assessment tool. We seek the best scientific approaches to advance our understanding of what can be determined from data on the best studied species to the broader marine mammal community and the reliability, data needs and opportunities for industry to use the PCAD/PCoD framework effectively. Key focus areas for this RFP are to develop practical risk assessment tool(s) that the E&P industry can use to focus risk management on higher risk issues associated with industry activities that produce sound in the marine environment. Other focus areas not described in this RFP will be also considered as well, as long as they are of relevance to the Exploration & Production (E&P) Industry.
The research called for in this RFP is required to meet the information needs of the above JIP, specifically Research Category 3 Behavioural Reactions and Biological Significance – see website.
The Proposals being requested must address the Objectives, Project Description, Project Components and Project Deliverables detailed below.
Organisations submitting Proposals should also adhere to the Application Procedure and Critical Dates set out below.


2: Field Work Low Visibility Detection Techniques
This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks proposals for independent studies to advance understanding of
the potential and the performance of commercial, currently available low-visibility monitoring systems
under realistic operational conditions encountered during seismic survey. The aim is a) for these systems
to be evaluated via a field trial; and b) framework parameters to assess and compare performance across
monitoring platforms to be proposed based on the results of the field data analysis.
The work called for in this RFP is required to meet the information needs of the above JIP, specifically
Research Category 4 – Mitigation and Monitoring; see website. In 2015 the
JIP commissioned a desktop study “Low Visibility Real-Time Monitoring Techniques Review” which was
published in May 2017. This RFP will advance work on the identified key recommendations (related to
field experiments) from this desktop study; see Background section below.
The proposals being requested must address the Proposal Description, Proposal Features, and Project
Deliverables detailed below.
Initially, applicants are kindly requested to submit Pre-Proposals (no more than 4 pages) to the JIP.
The non-committing Pre-proposal shall describe the rationale and nature of the work proposed, the
approach to addressing questions posed in the RFP, and an estimate on time used and distribution
of costs.
Applicants submitting Pre-proposals will be given feedback from the program and will be either
encouraged or discouraged from submitting a full proposal.
Organizations submitting (Pre-) Proposals should also adhere to the Application Procedure and Critical
Dates set out below. In addition, the Terms & Conditions referred to in the RFP shall apply